Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 23, 2016 - P is for Pets

My Life With The Wave by Catherine Cowan 
Children Make Terrible Pets by Peter Brown
This Book Just Ate My Dog! by Richard Byrne

App activity:
Magnetic Alphabet - Learn your letters. Listen for today's letter and word.
iBook app - This Book Just Ate My Dog! by Richard Byrne 

"Hand Clapping Rap" by Liz Buchanan ($1.99)
"Dancing Bear" by Bari Koral
Closing song: "I Am a Mountain" (artist unknown)

Additional Activities for home:
Identify words around the house that start with the letter "P".  (Petunias, patio, panda (stuff animal), purple, potato...).
Describe attributes of an object, (starting with the letter P). Have your child guess the object. Switch roles. "This object is: something green, it tastes sour, we put them in our hamburgers (or not put them on our hamburgers),--it's a pickle!

Additional Reads:
Sparky! by Jennie Offill 
What Pet Should I Get? by Dr. Seuss
Even Monsters Get Sick (story app for tablet/iPad $1.99) by Busy Bee Studios, written by by Michael Bruza.

Announcements:  We are having a Parent Workshop on June 2 @ 7 p.m. If you missed our last workshop in January, here's your chance to learn about how to use apps to encourage early literacy and learning. The workshop will be in the Talbert Room.

To download free ebooks with your library card, download the OverDrive App. For more information click here.

May 9, 2016 - W is for What and Wait

"The Hunt for Spring" from Waiting-for-Spring Stories by Bethany Roberts
And Then It's Spring by Julie Fogliano
Waiting by Kevin Henke

App activity:
Magnetic Alphabet - used to emphasize each letter as we sing along with the "Letter Name Song" (a.k.a. ABC song) and to discover today's letter word! 
iBook app - read Kevin Henke's story on iPad. Each child turned the page on their iPad.

"Seasons Song" by Dream English ($0.99). Check out his video too.
Closing song: "I Am a Mountain" (artist unknown)

Additional Activities for home:
Watch the short (1 minute) "Spring is Here" video song from Lost in the Woods movie by Laura and Robert Sams of Sisbro Studios. Help your child name all the woodland animals--that is if you both can keep from giggling. I saw a  squirrel, hatchlings, field mouse, wild turkey, ducklings, chipmunk, painted turtle, warbler?, grasshopper, deer, fawn, and a toad. 
(Rainy day activity): Pull out some different weather clothes and mix them up in a pile and either you or your child pick a season and have him/her dress up in the appropriate clothing for that season--don't forget the shoes!

Additional Reads:
The Wind's Garden by Bethany Roberts
When Spring Comes by Kevin Henke - not in collection yet
Bear Wants More by by Karma Wilson
Abracadabra, It's Spring! by Ann Sibley O'Brien  - not in collection