Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 13 - M is for Make (and Magnificent)

The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

App activity:
Magnetic Alphabet - Learn your letters. (Consonants and vowels).  Listen for today's letter and word. Spell your name, count the letters in your name. Count the letters in words. How many letters are in your name?
MarcoPolo's Ocean  app- we build our submersible and we explore the ocean! 

"The Construction Worker Song" 
"Dancing Bear" by Bari Koral
Closing song: "I Am a Mountain" (artist unknown)

Additional Activities for home:
1. Word awareness activities. 
Download the Ocean app by MarcoPolo (click on Ocean to learn more) and continue the journey of exploring the sea. Observe and talk about the differences of what you find at deeper levels in the ocean. (Don't forget to rebuild your submersible and name the parts, like "porthole" and "periscope" and materials like "metal".  Don't forget to mention how "magnificent" an invention such as a submersible is.

2. Build something at home. Use some of the tools we learned about: wrench, hammer, sand paper...
Here are some ideas from: Intstructables.com
and for the more ambitious: http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Baking-Powder-Submarine/

3. Use your library card to download ebooks and read on the go (for free) with the OverDrive App and your library card. For more information click here.

Summer Reading Program now online! Collect virtual badges, and earn tangible prizes by visiting the library during our Summer Reading Program! If you attend a story time, count it towards a book read! For Children 5 and under, set the books to count by "how many read". For children older than 5, set to "how many minutes" read. Sign up now for the free online program here! Happy reading!